MTMG - track & model contest
Summer 1999
Track & Model Contest

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The MTMG is proud to announce the winners of our Track and Model Contest.

For 2D models
- Baddy's trees

For 3D models
- Vega's horse

For animated models
- Toxin's loader

For rookie track(s)
- Emma's Happy Trucks Yee-haa
- SRT_Monster's Super Farm

For advance track
- ValveJob's Big Dipper

For the unannounced and unplanned favorite rumble
- ObeOne's All Star Rumble

And a special congratulations and thank you to everyone who entered.  We saw some really outstanding work in all areas of the contest.

Thanks to everyone for your interest and participation in our first contest.  Today is August 1, 1999 which means that the door is closed for contest entries.  We hope to be able to announce the prize winners very soon (within the week), and in the mean time please take a look at, download and have fun with the models and tracks that have been entered.  I have also updated a few of the other contest pages with a bit more info if you would like to know more.  Thanks, and see you soon.

The Monster Truck Madness Guild is proud to offer, for your trucking enjoyment, a contest that we hope will bring a lot of fun to everyone in the MTM2 community.  The contest is simple.  Make a model or a track and submit it to the MTMG for prize consideration.  It's that simple.

Please look over the other contest pages to see the few details about rules, submissions, and, of course, prizes.  It is our intention to eventually include all model submissions in our download section, and it is our hope (space permitting) to make all track submissions permanently available to everyone from this site.

Any questions?  Please send me an e-mail.